Monday, March 21, 2011

Tag : The Writings on the Wall

 Hi Everyone!

 I was tagged by the gorgeous Emily from TheEmmiFace to do this cute tag. This is a quick handwritten questionnaire. It's actually my very first time being tagged, so I am really really excited :D. Thank you so much Emily for tagging me! If you haven't checked out her blog, please do - she features a lot of interesting stuff including FOOD (my favorite, can you tell haha), fashion, and beauty tips.

before we go ahead I do want to let you know that I am kind of famous for my ugly handwriting among my friends lol.  Keep in mind that I tried my very best, so please be gentle T^T.

The Writings on the Wall: 
Get a piece of paper and write the answers to the following questions:

1. What's your name/your blogger name?

2. What's your blog's name/URL?

3. Write "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog."

4. Favorite quote?

5. Your Favorite song?

6. Your favorite band/singers?

7. Anything else you want to say?

8. Tag three to five other people 

click to enlarge
I tag :

and everyone who is reading this ^0^.
Let me know if you did this already, I'd love to read all of your answers!


P.S. Thank you so much for your sweet comments wishing me a happy birthday!
I will post a birthday haul soon!!!


  1. This tag is so cool! And you do NOT have messy writing =P

    And I just happened to have listened to Maroon 5's old cd a couple nights ago. Their songs are so catchy.

    Thanks for tagging me, can't wait to do this.

  2. Awesome tag! You have great handwriting. It's not bad at all! :)

  3. thanks guys- I was really nervous, so I practiced like 5 times hahaha

  4. You're hand writing is so cute Amy! I don't know what you're talking about. And I love that song from Music and Lyrics as well :) Glad you had fun with the tag ~Emily

  5. What a nice tag! I love your handwriting. I have no idea where you got the whole I have messy writing. It's so neat and pretty! And happy belated birthday Amy!

  6. I loved reading your answers!! And your handwriting is not ugly AT ALL!! If yours is this good I'd love to see your friend :)

    <3 kris&kel

  7. Happy Belated Birthday Amy! Just found your blog and what a nice little feature that allows me to learn more about it right off hand! Such nice, neat penmanship :D And nothing beats those Maroon 5 boys fosho! Thanks for sharing!


    Haute Khuuture Blog

  8. this is really cute, i love your handwriting! the photo is adorable. can you please check out my makeup blog when you have a moment too?


  9. hi Amy, Belated happy birthday!
    Mine's coming up too, I'll be turning 27...hehe

    Your handwriting is so neat, mine's crappy and all over the

  10. such a cute tag! :)

    love your blog. Its a lot of fun! :)
    I'm a new follower. :) Do check mine out too..
    and I think I'll do this.:)

  11. oh and your handwriting is really nice! its as neat as a font!!!:O I like! <3

  12. just saw this, i will do this just for you AMY!! :)
